












长期从事热工过程控制的理论和应用研究,主要方向包括复杂能源系统及CO2捕集系统的非线性建模、多模型控制、预测控制及智能优化算法。主持国家自然科学基金3项、江苏省自然科学基金2项、英国皇家学会Newton Fellowship基金1, 中国博士后基金1项,江苏省博士后基金1项。参与欧盟地平线2020、国家科技支撑、国家重点研发计划等多项国家和部省级项目。在国内外学术期刊及国际会议发表学术论文90余篇,申请/授权发明专利20余项,出版英文专著章节1部。兼任英国谢菲尔德大学访问教授,IFAC电力能源系统技术委员会委员、江苏省能源研究会会员、江苏省工程热物理学会会员。



本科生课程: 《自动控制原理》2015.9至今



科研 教改项目

l持国家自然科学基金面上项目“燃煤-储能-碳捕集耦合发电系统集成配置与运行调控方法研究”2024.1-2027.12 (项目号52376002

l课题负责人,江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项-重大科技示范项目:“燃煤电站超大规模碳捕集利用及封存技术研发与重大科技示范”. 2022.1-2024.12

     (该项目现招收能源、化工、控制专业背景的博士、硕士参与研究, 助力国内最大规模电站碳捕集系统的优化灵活运行)

l参与(东南大学负责人)国家重点研发计划:政府间国际科技创新合作项目:“基于机器学习的近零排放烯烃智能制造研究”. 2021.10-2024.9 (项目号2021YFE0112800)

l参与(东南大学负责人)欧盟地平线2020国际合作项目:“Smart and CO2 neutral Olefin production by artificial Intelligence and machine Learning. 2021.1-2024.12 (项目号101007963)


l主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“燃煤电站-碳捕集系统灵活运行机理及协同控制研究”。2020.1-2023.12 (项目号51976030

l主持江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金“超临界燃煤发电-CO2捕集系统高效灵活运行研究”。2019.7-2022.6 (项目号BK20190063

l主持英国Royal Society Newton Fellowship 基金项目“Coordinated Control of Coal Fired Supercritical Power Plant Integrated with Solvent-based Post Combustion CO2 Capture System”。2019.4-2021.3 (项目号NIF\R1\181257

l主持国家自然科学基金青年基金“CO2捕集电站运行优化控制基础研究”。2016.1-2018.12 (项目号51506029

l主持江苏省自然科学基金青年基金“基于多目标预测的燃烧后CO2捕集电站优化控制方法研究”。2015.7-2018.6 (项目号BK20150631


l主持江苏省博士后基金“燃烧后CO2捕集电站整体动态特性及运行优化控制研究”。2015.9-2017.8 (项目号1501010C)




l参与教育部博士点基金项目 “数据驱动的复杂热力系统多模型预测控制方法研究”。2014.12016.12(项目号:20130092110061


论文 专著

Journal Paper:


 Chen X and Wu X*. The roles of carbon capture, utilization and storage in the transition to a low-carbon energy system using a stochastic optimal scheduling approach, Journal of cleaner production, 2022, 366:132860 (SCI, IF:11.072)

  Jin Y, Wu X* and Shen J*. Power-heat coordinated control of multiple energy system for off-grid energy supply using multi-timescale distributed predictive control. Energy, 2022, 254: 124336.(SCI, IF:8.857)

 Wang Q, Zheng C, Wu X* and Wang M. Robust monitoring of solvent based carbon capture process using deep learning network based moving horizon estimation. Fuel, 2022, 321: 124071. (SCI, IF:8.035)

 Li Y, Zhang J, Wu X*, Shen J* and Lee Kwang. Optimal design of combined cooling, heating and power multi-energy system based on load tracking performance evaluation of adjustable equipment. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 211: 118423. (SCI, IF:6.465)

 Zheng B, Wu X*.Integrated Capacity Configuration and Control Optimization of off-grid Multiple Energy System for Transient Performance Improvement. Applied Energy, 2022, 311: 118638. (SCI, IF: 11.446)


Zhu M, Wu X*, Shen J *, Lee K. Y.Dynamic modeling, validation and analysis of direct air-cooling condenser with integration to the coal-fired power plant for flexible operation. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021, 245: 114601. (SCI, IF: 11.533)

 Xi H, Wu X*, Chen X, Sha P. Artificial intelligent based energy scheduling of steel mill gas utilization system towards carbon neutrality. Applied Energy, 2021, 295: 117069 (SCI, IF:11.446)

 Wu X*, Xi H., Ren Y. and Lee K. Y. Power-Carbon Coordinated Control of BFG-fired CCGT Power Plant Integrated with Solvent-based Post-combustion CO2 Capture. Energy, 2021, 226(5): 120435.(SCI, IF:8.857)

 Chen X, Wu X*, Lee K Y. The mutual benefits of renewables and carbon capture: achieved by an artificial intelligent scheduling strategy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021: 113856. (SCI, IF: 11.533)

Xi H, Liao P, Wu X*. Simultaneous Parametric Optimization for Design and Operation of Solvent-Based Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Using Particle Swarm Optimization. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021: 116287. (SCI, IF:6.465)


Wu X*, Wang M*, Lee KY. Flexible operation of supercritical coal-fired power plant integrated with solvent based CO2 capture through collaborative predictive control. Energy 2020, 206: 118105. (SCI, IF:8.857)

Wu X*, Shen J, Wang M*, Lee KY. Intelligent predictive control of large scale solvent-based CO2 capture plant using artificial neural network and particle swarm optimization. Energy 2020, 196: 117070. (SCI, IF:8.857)

Liao P, Li Y*, Wu X*, Wang M, Oko E. Flexible operation of large-scale coal-fired power plant integrated with solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture based on neural network inverse control. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2020; 95: 102985. (SCI, IF:4.4)

Wu X*, Wang M*, Liao P, Shen J, Li Y. Solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture for power plants: A critical review and perspective on dynamic modelling, system identification, process control and flexible operation, Applied Energy, 2020, 257. (SCI, IF:11.446)

吴啸*,张雨萌,沈炯,李益国. 燃煤发电CO2捕集系统协调预测控制.工程热物理学报. 2020, 41(3)533-538.


Wu X*, Shen J, Li Y, Wang M*, Lawal A, Lee KY.Dynamic behavior investigations and disturbance rejection predictive control of solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture process. Fuel, 2019, 242: 624-637. 

 Wu X*, Wang M*, Shen J, Li Y, Lawal A, Lee KY. Reinforced coordinated control of coal-fired power plant retrofitted with solvent based CO2 capture using model predictive controls. Applied Energy, 2019, 238:495-515. 

Wu X*, Wang M*, Shen J, Li Y, Lawal A, Lee KY. Flexible operation of coal fired power plant integrated with post combustion CO2 capture using model predictive control. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2019, 82:138-151. 

 X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, M. Wang*, A. Lawal and K. Y. Lee  Nonlinear dynamic analysis and control design of a solvent-based post-combustion CO2 capture process, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2018, pp. 397-406.

X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, M. Wang* and A. Lawal,  Flexible operation of post-combustion solvent-based carbon capture for coal-fired power plants using multi-model predictive control: A simulation study, Fuel, 2018, pp. 931-941. 

X. Wu*, J. Shen, S. Sun, Y. Li, K.Y. Lee, Data-Driven Disturbance Rejection Predictive Control for SCR Denitrification System, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 55, pp.5923-5930. 2016. 

X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, and K. Y. Lee, “Steam power plant configuration, design and control,” WIREs Energy Environ, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 537-563, Nov-Dec. 2015.

X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, and K. Y. Lee, “Fuzzy Modeling and Predictive Control of Superheater Steam Temperature for Power Plant, ISA Transactions, vol. 56, pp 241-251, May, 2015. 

 X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, and K. Y. Lee, “Data-Driven Modeling and Predictive Control for Boiler-Turbine Unit Using Fuzzy Clustering and Subspace Methods, ISA Transactions, vol. 53, No. 3, pp 699-708, May, 2014. 

X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, and K. Y. Lee, “Hierarchical Optimization of Boiler-Turbine Unit Using Fuzzy Stable Model Predictive Control, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 30, pp 112-123, Sep, 2014. 

X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, and K. Y. Lee, “Fuzzy Modeling and Stable Model Predictive Tracking Control of Large-scale Power Plants, Journal of Process Control, vol. 24, No.10, pp. 1609-1626, Oct, 2014. 

X. Wu*, J. Shen, Y. Li, and K. Y. Lee, “Data-driven modeling and predictive control for boiler-turbine unit,” IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, vol. 28, No. 3, pp 470-481, Sep, 2013. 

吴啸、沈炯*、李益国.“基于TS模糊模型的稳定预测控制及其在机炉协调系统中的应用.”中国电机工程学报,vol. 31, No. 11, 2011.

吴啸、沈炯*.“机炉协调系统的子空间辨识及预测控制.”东南大学学报(自然科学版),vol. 42, No. z2, 2012.

Book Chapter:

X. Wu and K. Y. Lee, Application of Modern Heuristic Optimization Methods in Power and Energy Systemschapter 4.6: Application of modern heuristic optimization in power plant, Wiley STM, 2018.


1. 吴啸,沈炯,李益国. 数据驱动的火电机组SCR脱硝扰动抑制预测控制方法,申请号:ZL201610164656.6 20181月授权)

2. 吴啸,沈炯,李益国. 带烟气量扰动抑制的燃烧后CO2捕集系统预测控制方法,申请号:201710152839.5 20197月授权)

3. 吴啸,梁修凡,沈炯,李益国. 一种燃烧后CO2捕集系统的多模型预测控制方法,申请号:201710795146.320199月授权)

4. 吴啸,梁修凡,沈炯,李益国. 一种有效的光热辅助燃烧后CO2捕集系统运行控制方法,申请号:2018102628403202010月授权)

5. 吴啸,廖霈之,沈炯,李益国. 一种有效的燃烧后CO2捕集燃煤发电系统运行控制方法, 申请号:201810627447X202012月授权)

6. 吴啸,沈炯,李益国. 燃烧后CO2捕集燃煤发电系统协调预测控制方法, 申请号:ZL201810794279.3.20211月授权)

7.吴啸、廖霈之、李益国、沈炯. 一种基于神经网络逆控制的大型燃煤电站CO2捕集系统及前馈控制方法,申请号:ZL201910276056. 220216月授权)

8. 吴啸、贾东晓、沈炯、李益国. 一种基于多目标预测控制的化学吸附燃烧后CO2捕集系统控制方法, 申请号:201910588349.420224月授权)

9. 吴啸、席涵、李益国、沈炯. 一种用于化学吸附燃烧后CO2捕集系统的抗烟气扰动模糊控制方法, 申请号:2019110644506 20224月授权)

10 吴啸、廖霈之、沈炯、李益国.基于BP神经网络的大型燃煤电站CO2捕集系统预测控制方法,申请号:201910952786.X201910月受理)

11. 陈显浩、王达之、吴啸. 一种超临界燃煤电站-化学吸附燃烧后碳捕集系统的整体优化调度和快速变负荷控制方法,申请号:202010405496.620205月受理)

12. 吴啸、郑丙乐、席涵、沈炯. 高炉联合循环系统与燃烧后碳捕集系统的协调控制方法,申请号:202011513399.5202012月受理)(202238日授权)

13. 王齐灏、吴啸. 一种化学吸收CO2捕集系统的动态鲁棒软测量系统及方法,申请号:202110617183.1(20216月受理)

14. 吴啸、陈显浩、翟晓龙、方一之、许晟. 一种风光火储耦合碳捕集利用系统的随机优化调度方法, 申请号:202111102790.020219月受理)

15.吴啸、郑丙乐.离网型多能源系统的配置、控制一体优化方法,申请号:202111483350.4 (2021127日受理)

16. 杨礼华、邱婕,邱若菡,陈显浩,吴啸. 一种绿色农业零碳供能系统及其智能配置分层优化算法,申请号:202210041177.0 20221月受理)

17. 吴啸、熊鑫、沈炯. 一种用于离网型综合能源系统热电协调的变区间控制方法, 申请号:202210215711.5 20223月受理).

18.吴啸、席涵. 燃煤电站耦合碳捕集系统的多时间尺度控制感知调度方法,申请号:202210440240.8 (20224月受理)

19.吴啸、邱若菡、沈炯、李益国.带吸收剂存储的火电机组碳捕集系统调度与预测控制方法,申请号:2022081200047410 (20228月受理)

荣誉 奖励

1. 江苏省333高层次人才工程(第三层次),江苏省委组织部,2022年

2. 江苏省优秀青年基金, 江苏省科技厅, 2019年

3. 优秀青年科技工作者,江苏省工程热物理学会, 2019年

4. 英国皇家学会-中英国际学者,英国皇家学会、英国科学院, 2018年

5. 江苏省青年科技人才托举工程, 江苏省科协, 2017年

6. 东南大学优秀博士学位论文, 东南大学, 2016年




