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       1. 第三届江苏-欧洲新能源国际会议(南京主会场)







      投稿的中、英文论文请参照《太阳能学报》和《Solar Energy》的格式。投稿论文(“WORDPDF”格式)用电子邮件方式提交至 newenergy@pub.seu.edu.cn 

     2. 氢能与燃料电池专场(武汉分会场)

      第三届江苏欧洲新能源国际会议氢能与燃料电池专场仅接收英文论文的投稿,国际氢能杂志(International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE)是本次国际会议的合作方,氢能与燃料电池专场接收太阳能制氢、氢的存储、储氢材料、燃料电池、电解等领域的原创研究论文,优秀的论文将刊登在国际氢能杂志的氢能与燃料电池专刊(SCI),所有英文稿件请按照国际氢能杂志的格式,并通过国际氢能杂志在线系统投递。更多信息请关注国际氢能杂志的会议征文通知更新。


     1.南京主会场: 江苏省太阳能技术重点实验室(东南大学), 东南大学太阳能技术研究中心,江苏南京,210096. 025-83790721(刘老师)solarenergy@pub.seu.edu.cn


Call for Paper: 3rd Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy and Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells Special Forum

The 3rd Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy will be held in Nanjing, P.R. China during 8th to 10th December 2017, and the a special Forum of Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells will be held in Wuhan, P.R. China during 11th to 13th December 2017. The 10th Editorial Board Meeting of Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica of China Renewable Energy Society (CRES) will be held in Nanjing, P.R. China at 9th December 2017 simultaneously. The Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy co-organized by Southeast University of China and CRES is a multi-disciplinary conference dedicated on new energy research. The conference provides a platform for the exchange of the latest advances and technical information, dissemination of new research developments in the all field of solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen or other relative renewable energy. The International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (IJHE) is one of Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy partners and planning to publish a special issue for hydrogen energy and fuel cells Forum with Dr. Bin Zhu as the main guest editor.

All the papers contributed will be included in the conference proceedings, and the excellent ones will be recommend to present and discuss on the conference. Solar thermal utilization technology, which includes concentrating solar power, solar air conditioning and solar desalination, and photovoltaic technology, which includes solar cells, solar power generation and building integrated photovoltaic etc., and other scientific research papers on the renewable energy topics are expected. 

In particular, high quality papers related to hydrogen energy and fuel cells, while not limited to hydrogen energy and production, solar hydrogen, fuel cells, hydrogen storage, hydrides storage, electrolyzes/electrolysis, will be selected to be published in IJHE special issue after a peer-review process. We, therefore, would like to invite you to contribute your paper in this issue.

Submission Guideline:

Guidelines for preparing the manuscript can be found on the IJHE website (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-hydrogen-energy/). Please submit your manuscript via the online submission system by selecting the Special Issue named “3rd Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy (Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells Special Issue)”

Special Issue Managing Editor:

     Dr. Bin Zhu (Department of Energy Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden) Bin.zhu@kth.se

Important Date: (Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells Special issue)

     First submission date: 20th November 2017

     Submission Deadline: 20th February 2018

     Completion of review and revision: 15th April 2018

     Publication: May 2018

Contact information:

     1.Nanjing: Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Solar Science and Technology (Southeast University), Solar Energy Technology Research Center, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210096.

     +86-25-83790721 (Ms. Liu), solarenergy@pub.seu.edu.cn

     2.Wuhan: Hubei University.

     +86-13871103446 (Mr. Dong), dwj1344@163.com



