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【招聘信息】康明斯(中国)投资有限公司(2016-10-17 14:00-17:30群贤楼三楼报告厅)



2017 Cummins China Campus Hire has now kicked off with positions located cross China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Wuxi, etc.  Please find position information below or visit us athttp://cummins.quanzhi.com/for more information.




n美国财富500  Fortune 500 US Companies Ranking 154 in 2015

n世界级独立发动机制造商World Class Independent Engine Manufacturer

n业务遍及190多个国家,600多家分销机构,7200多个经销商网点We serve customers in over 190 countries with 600+ distributer locations and 7200+ dealer locations.

n多元包容的企业文化,连续10年入选全球多元化企业50” Top 50 Companies for Diversity by DiversityInc for the 10thconsecutive year.

n连续十年入选道琼斯北美可持续发展指数榜Listed in the Sustainability Board by Dow Jones for the 10thconsecutive year.

Engineering Positions

2017 Campus Engineering Function无锡校招技术工程岗



l从事与发动机产品技术开发或应用相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括发动机性能燃烧排放开发、售前产品应用技术、产品开发项目管理、机械工程开发、控制工程、产品设计、应用力学工程、测试工程等Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering or product application engineering. Available positions: CPE Engineer, Application Engineer, Project Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Control Engineer, Design Engineer, Applied Mechanics Engineer, Test Engineer etc



l硕士或本科以上学历,发动机,内燃机,热能与动力工程,动力工程,动力机械及工程相关专业2017年应届毕业生(视岗位不同而不同)Master or Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Thermal Energy and PowerPower Machinery and Engineering or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

l流利的英语听说读写能力Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing



